Friday, December 28, 2012

Starting Fresh, and not waiting for a New Year.

I know many of us struggle with weight, with stress eating.   I had caramel popcorn for dinner last night.  With nuts.   Which is actually ok once in a while....

But I want to start fresh.  I've been maintaining at about 180 for a while, and want to lose the last forty lbs.  

So, onward, upward, accountability.   I'm doing this without any stupid fad diets (apart from the dratted gluten-free thing, which is more of a lifestyle).    

Today, I'm cleaning up and organising my pantry, and am going to try making some gluten-free bread.

I'm going to try to be cutting down on plastics in the coming year, which means: fewer chocolates/chocolate chips, less dried fruit (my real bugaboo), less manufactured product in general.

Of course, its going to make summers interesting, since I will have to start buying fruit and drying it in the summer to have the rest of the year.  

I don't generally do "mini-size" candy bars in my home, since those encourage me to snack more...

Now, a photo, so that I can try to compare approximately once a month...