Monday, February 8, 2016

The problem with artificial sweeteners (and sugar)

So we are in the anti-sugar crusade these days.   Unfortunately, that means that a lot of people head directly to the artificial sweeteners, Splenda, Equal, etc, etc.  

No.  The selling point is that, supposedly, they have sweetening power to the 1000s over sugar.  But for me, they made me crave sugar.  My theory is that your body tastes the sweet and prepares itself for the sugar hit.  

And then doesn't get it.

But now your tastebuds are acclimated to the sweet, sweet, sweet...  so now they start increasing the sugar in things.  Formulations are different throughout the world, but American brands are generally sweeter and fattier.

I honestly believe that foods are sweeter than when I was a child.

I also know that manufacturers hide sugars in things and add sugars that do not need to be there.   They hide artificial sweetener in anything that is remotely "lower-calorie".

But I have even found added sugar in my dried fruit.  In the mangoes.   Or the coconut.

Things that don't need it have added sugar.

A lot of cereals are sugar bombs.  They recently reformulated Cheerios to be "gluten-free".   (which is a completely different lie, but anyway)

My mom is now describing it as "real" Cheerios.  They had changed the formulations so much that it was no longer recognisable.  

I do not lose weight eating sugar substitutes.   I lose weight eating less sugar, a little bit of the real stuff.  

Plus, you don't get all that artificial junk in your system.  Most have been linked to cancer.   (Most food-like substances, unfortunately, are not that healthy).  

I do wish we could get lower-sugar/artificial-sweetener-free products.   I want Coke or Seven Up made with real, but less, sugar.   I want the European versions of things.  I want less sweet back.  I don't want it replaced.  We tried that with fat-free, which led to the higher sugar..